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$28.3 billion budget clears state Senate

Most lawmakers support it, but few are satisfied

DENVER – After more than 10 hours of debate that lasted into the night Wednesday, the state Senate came back Thursday morning and approved the $28.3 billion budget.

While the budget moves along, there is little satisfaction from both parties for what it contains.

Amendments presented Wednesday night attempted to correct what various lawmakers saw as shortcomings and culminated in some victories, but many frayed feelings. What remains is a budget that cuts $264 million from hospitals.

“The (Joint Budget Committee) delivered to us a hard fought, hard worked, starting point and then in a toxic combination of partisan politics and lackadaisical judgment we took millions of dollar away from rural hospitals, while at the same time starting an inevitably Denver-based government housing project,” said Sen. Owen Hill, R-Colorado Springs who voted against the budget. “Those of us who claim to speak for rural Coloradans ought to be a little embarrassed when we go home this weekend.”

Despite the dissatisfaction, there also was appreciation for the work of the JBC members who crafted the bill.

“I will add my voice to the chorus of those that applauds (the JBC) for everything they have done and everything they still have to do,” said Senate President Kevin Grantham, R-Cañon City,

Passing on a 30-5 vote, which saw four Democrats and Hill oppose the bill, the budget heads to the House so it can weigh in on the work of the Joint Budget Committee to balance the so called Long Bill.


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