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4-H scholarship winners excelled over the years

This past month, La Plata County 4-H had the honor of awarding four $500 Higher Education Scholarships to our 4-H members who graduated from high school and are continuing their education in the fall.

These students have been outstanding members of our 4-H community for many years, and we are delighted to reward their mentorship to younger club members and their leadership to their club. We were so lucky to have had each one in our program for so many years and will greatly miss them.

Our first award recipient is the bright and lively Sydney Brown. Sydney has been in 4-H for 12 years in two different states. She started as a Cloverbud in Oklahoma then joined La Plata County 4-H when she and her family moved here in 2014. When asked about her experiences as a 4-H member she said, “4-H has set me up for a lifetime of self-discovery, growth and inspiration. It has helped me to see challenges as opportunities. Also, it has impacted me on how I see myself in this world.” Sydney is currently studying veterinarian technology at San Juan College.

The second is a young man who is always so kind and respectful. Clay Sanburg has been in La Plata County 4-H for 11 years. During this time, he has raised pigs and participated in shooting sports. In 2017, Clay qualified for the 2018 Colorado Shooting Sport Team that competed at the 4-H National Contest. He and his team won fourth place overall. Clay will be going on to West Coast Baptist College to become a pastor or missionary. He said 4-H has given him the tools and strength to accomplish his education goals.

Our third recipient is a fun-spirited young woman with many talents. Madison Mortimer has been in La Plata County 4-H for 10 years. During her time in 4-H, she has raised rabbits and sheep and was a member of our rabbit judging team. During her high school career, she was an active FFA member and cheerleader. She says her 4-H experience is one of the main components of her growing to be a better person. Madison will be going to New Mexico State University and studying agricultural and extension education.

Our final recipient is the smart and dedicated Taylor Jenkins. Taylor has been in La Plata County 4-H for nine years. Her main focus has been showing pigs, and she travels all over the country to show competitively. She says that during her time in 4-H, she learned something from everyone and enjoys passing that knowledge on to other 4-H members. Taylor is also an active member of our livestock judging team that won third place at the 4-H National Contest in January of this year. She will continue with her livestock judging career at Northeastern Junior College in the fall.

We are so proud of Sydney, Clay, Madison and Taylor in all of their successes, both personally and in 4-H. This is just their beginning; I cannot wait to see what their futures hold.

Thank you to our amazing community for their support, which gives us the ability to offer these scholarships to our outstanding youths. If you would like to support La Plata County 4-H, contact the Extension Office.

Angela Fountain is the La Plata County 4-H youth development agent. Reach her at or 382-6460.

Angela Fountain