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7-7 with two minutes left in the 1st quarter

Reporting from the 107.1 broadcast from Brush by Dave Bray:

Wolverines get the first turnover of the game! Brush fumbled, Noath Loutherback recovered at the Brush 45.

Zane Phelps runs with the help of a screen from the offensive line.

Hunter Killough runs another four yards.

Kelton throws a pass to Zane Phelps, who catches it, just short of the fourth, we're going for it. Fleaflicker pass by Taed Heydinger to Wyatt Freier, who almost makes the catch in the endzone. (Groans from the Bayfield fans!)

Beetdiggers take over at 20 yardline.

Beetdiggers run it in 79 yards by B.J. Hirschfeld, for a touchdown, extra point is good, it's 7-7.