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A return to the fireworks that are loved

Kudos to Durango’s city leadership for listening to the many Durangoans who soon after last year’s 4th of July evening show that used drones said, no more, please. For two years, the drones had created waving red, white and blue flags and flapping eagle wings, but it was not what every American man, woman and child wanted to see at dusk on the Fourth. For the first year, curiosity, yes; but for the second year, the reaction was, “This is too mechanical.”

The 4th has meant pyrotechnics arcing high into the air in multiple sizes and colors with their smoke and smells of powder. It’s the Chinese invention from, what, the seventh century they want, not combined electrical and mechanical devices controlled by a laptop from the 21st.

Whether the show will take place will depend on the weather, of course; if it’s too dry, it will be a no-go. But Durangoans are willing to take that chance to have a return of the fireworks they grew up with that celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress in 1776.

Here’s to the 13 colonies’ independence from England, with a stirring show of colored, smoky and noisy explosives.