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‘Adamantly oppose this proposed monument’

Gov. Jared Polis signed House Bill 19-1314 Concerning a Just Transition from Coal-based Electrical Energy Economy and made an appropriation.

The Colorado General Assembly made a “moral commitment to assist the workers and communities that have powered Colorado for generations” by supporting a “just and inclusive transition” away from coal. The Colorado Just Transition Action Plan was established in 2020 to “empower communities with resources to drive their own economic transitions.”

I sure hope the state stands by its commitment for us to drive our own economic transitions. The West End of Montrose County is a Tier One Coal effected community and is at the epicenter of the proposed Dolores River National Monument.

Our locally developed transition plans are in jeopardy and we adamantly oppose this proposed monument. I respectfully request that Polis and the Colorado stand by their commitment to my community.

Aimee Tooker
