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Adams: Jenna Bush Hager will speak in Durango

This community notice about Jenna Bush Hager comes on behalf of the board and staff of the Community Foundation Serving Southwest Colorado.

I want to assure everyone that Jenna will be our “Making a Difference” speaker series presenter as scheduled, Wednesday, April 25, at 6:30 pm at the Community Concert Hall in Durango.

Jenna’s spokesperson has let us know she is honoring her commitment in spite of her strong ties to family so important at this time of their loss.

As many likely know, Jenna’s grandmother, First Lady Barbara Bush, died on April 17. Her funeral will be held on Saturday.

Because of her grandmother’s death, Jenna will most likely bring an expanded, poignant message of life experience to the audience. Tickets are still available at the CCH website and at the door.

Kathleen Adams
