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Add representative symbols to public art

Action Line (Herald, Aug. 18) presented a couple of ideas to improve and make more popular the “Arc of History” at the new Highway 550/160 intersection. It was suggested that a railroad track and train contour could be placed across the two points of the arc. I think that is a great idea, which would combine the preferences of those of us who would like something more understandable and representative of our area with those who chose the present arc. Other outline contours across the arc that could also be popular might be mountains, wildlife, skiers, hikers, bikers, Mesa Verde, the Discovery Museum, etc. I believe there would be great local support and donations to support local artists to create such an addition.

If this is not feasible, then I strongly support the Action Line idea that a “Welcome to the Dog Park” sign would be appropriate to the present “Arc of History.” Work of art?

Jim Burpee


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