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Airport story omitted benefits, needs

I am writing in response to the story, “Sales tax hike would kill jobs” (Herald, July 27). I attended the City Council hearing on which this story reported and would like to point out that there was much more information presented than just a discussion of sales and property taxes.

The Colorado State University study also presented the positive economic impact to the county of the existing Durango-La Plata Airport. They include almost 1,900 high-paying jobs in La Plata County, that generates $119 million in household income, and creates almost $5 million per year in local tax revenue. This is great news!

Mayor Christina Rinderle pointed out that proposed expansion is aimed at addressing the failing grades the current facility has received from the FAA. Tony Vicari, interim airport director, indicated that tight TSA facilities, inadequate baggage handling, poor counter facilities and working conditions for employees, a terminal designed for half the passengers than currently use it, a restricted tarmac that cannot accommodate the planes that the industry is rapidly converting to, and a limited “parking lot” for overnight planes – all contribute to airlines’ decision-making whether to continue serving our airport. Unless these deficiencies are addressed, we run substantial risk of losing our current service, the accompanying good jobs, higher incomes and lower taxes, and have almost no opportunity to expand it.

The study also indicated that because of cost and lack of convenient flights, there are approximately 100,000 more people each year who could use the airport but choose not to. The demand is there; we just can’t meet that demand with our current terminal and facilities.

Thirty years ago, Farmington residents had a chance to expand their airport and chose not to because they didn’t want a small, temporary tax increase to pay for it. Now, they have lost their air service and Durango has gained it and the economic benefits that come with having air service here.

This November, let’s not make the same mistake as Farmington. Vote “yes” for a new terminal to help our community stay a vibrant, great place to live.

Frank Lockwood, Education Coordinator Yes for DRO


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