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Airport ‘yes’ vote could improve service

There have been so many letters opposing the airport improvement issue that I felt compelled to write one in favor of it. I must confess that I am not current on the details for the new airport, and am eager to learn them. All I do know right now is what we need and do not need.

We need an airport capable of flights by larger planes (say, 737 size) with sufficient gates and loading ramps for all airliners. We need sufficient seating areas that are not tents. We need sufficient long- and short-term parking. We need at least one additional luggage conveyor.

Hopefully, if we had these things, other airlines with other hubs would be attracted to Durango. For instance, it is a crime that there are no flights to Albuquerque where Durangoans could connect to many destinations with a greater choice of airlines.

And we need more airlines serving Durango, some with service to other Western Slope cities. Why do we have to take a bus to Grand Junction?

Competition is always good for fares. Farmington affords no solution to air travel needs of Durangoans, unless they want to return to the propeller era.

On the other hand, we do not need more restaurants and retail facilities in the airport. Durango is not, and probably never will be, a hub where passengers have layovers. Rather, Durango is the beginning and the end of the line for air travelers.

One of the factors that attracts people to live in the Durango area is the mere existence of any available air transportation in and out – even though it may be inadequate at present.

The current airport proposal on the November ballot may or may not be perfect, but it was developed after considerable study, and it is the proposal we have. I urge all to vote in favor of it.

Richard Ruth


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