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AmeriCorps invests in our communities

I am writing to share my passion, enthusiasm and support for AmeriCorps. We recognize the invaluable service that AmeriCorps members provide daily in local communities nationwide. AmeriCorps is a way for people to engage in serving their communities. More than 75,000 men and women are in intensive service each year at more than 15,000 locations including nonprofits, schools, public agencies and community and faith-based groups across the country. AmeriCorps members help communities tackle pressing problems while mobilizing millions of volunteers for the organizations they serve. AmeriCorps members gain valuable professional, educational and life benefits, and the experience has a lasting impact on the members and the communities they serve.

There is tremendous and broad support nationwide for AmeriCorps programming, something that seems increasingly rare. This broad support occurs because it is an extremely effective way to make positive changes in places desperately looking for change.

If you see someone proudly wearing the AmeriCorps logo in your community, please take a second to stop and thank that person for the services they are providing and let them know how much they are appreciated.

Kevin Heiner, Southwest Conservation Corps


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