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An artful way to keep your place

Forget the scrap paper or old envelope to mark where you stopped reading as you were falling asleep.

Courtesy of the Durango Friends of the Library, bookmarks designed by area students will be given away at the Durango Public Library as soon as they come from the printer.

The six designs were selected from 300 entries. The only rule was to integrate a quote from a book or about reading into the design. First-place winners received a Kindle; runners-up got a $25 gift card from Maria’s Bookshop.

The winners are:

‰High School: First place, Fiona Hill; runner up, Venderas Haceesa, both from Big Picture High School.

‰ Middle School: First place, Sage Davis, Escalante Middle School; runner up, Rainey Scott, The Liberty School.

‰ Elementary School: First place, Tony Jack, Florida Mesa Elementary School; runner up, Jaina Rees, Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary School.

Awards were presented at the Durango City Council meeting Monday. The timing made Tony’s 7th birthday memorable.

Herald Staff

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