Its time for Durango residents to polish up on their state history because Snowdown 2026 will be celebrating 150 years of Colorado.
Keeping with tradition, the theme for Durango’s annual winter carnival was announced last weekend at the Purgatory Snowdown kickoff party.
Dawn James, Snowdown board member, and brains behind the idea, said the theme is meant to celebrate Colorado’s rich and varied history.
James said there is so much to draw from: the mountains, the flowers, the days before, during and after westward expansion.
“We have a complicated history and many things with which to reckon but this is an opportunity to push it all to the surface,” James said.
“I hope people get a good understanding of Colorado history out of this and a greater appreciation for the state,” she said.
The Snowdown board is still working on the official tagline but have hinted that it may be a play on the mouthful of a word, “sesquicentennial.”
In addition to picking up a Colorado history book, it might be a good idea to practice saying that tongue twister out loud a few times in preparation for next year’s festivities.
“Get your thinking caps on and get your creative juices flowing,” James said.