100 years ago: “Frank Morgan is confined to his home suffering with a burned foot, an injury he sustained when a steam pipe exploded at the smelter.”
75 years ago: “Charles Raish has bought the Raymond Adams home at 1710 West Third Ave. Adams will be transferred to the Cokedale Smelter in June.”
50 years ago: “Back from Spain is Mari Jane Matis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arvo Matis. Mari Jane and her sister, Suzanne, a stewardess for Pan American Airlines, were in the European country for a month. Mari Jane said she loved the easiness of the life in Spain. Everything is slow and no one but the Americans are on the streets early, but everyone is out in the evening. Last year, the girls went on an around-the-world trip.”
25 years ago: An advertisement for Lori’s Family Dining read: “Mom’s taking us to Lori’s this Sunday! The kids eat free! A special turkey dinner with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner roll and soup or salad.”
Most items in this column are taken from Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.