Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

And the West is History

100 years ago: Smelter reported a good year for 1916. An individual working professionally as a “financer” was labeled as a “low creature and disgusting ass.” Mrs. Sanger was being tried in court for a “birth control charge.”

75 years ago: Confirmation of final Navy enlistment was received from Denver for William Granger of Ignacio, Dean Carver of Nucla and Buck Ballard of Cortez. Four more enlistees were on their way to Denver, including Jim Decker of Shiprock, James W. Smith Jr. and Clyde E. McFarland of Farmington, and Nick C. Fanto of Durango.

50 Years Ago: It was cold and dry in Southwest Colorado, with a temperature low of negative 12 degrees and no precipitation. The below-zero weather, however, didn’t stop locals from taking advantage of the “excellent ski conditions” at Purgatory, Silverton and Wolf Creek.

25 years ago: A new full-time minister took over pastoral duties at First Presbyterian Church to replace former minister the Rev. Jerry Boles, who was charged with sexual harassment and sexual misconduct the previous September, and subsequently renounced the church. The community both defended and condemned Boles after the incident, though no civil charges were filed against him in a court of law.

Most items in this column are taken from Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.

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