100 years ago: “The Golden Rule store has been improved by the addition of a new rack for the shoe stock. The new shelf is the handiwork of the handsome male clerks working under the direction of Manager Reed.”
75 years ago: “Acusti-celotex, a sound-reducing material, is being installed in the second and third floor corridors of Smiley Junior High this week.”
50 years ago: “The Herald had trouble yesterday and may have today with the part of its new press which folds the papers. A broken shering pin makes it operate very slowly. A repairman is expected from California and there should be no trouble in the future.”
25 years ago: “In a record voter turnout, Southern Ute Chairman Leonard Burch defeated three opponents in the tribal election, receiving 233 votes. Tribal attorney Thomas Shipps said more than 60 percent of the tribe’s registered voters cast a ballot in the election.”
Most items in this column are taken from Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.