Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

And the West is History

100 years ago: “It has been rather slow to get many in this area to realize that good roads are to become one of the most important assets of San Juan County.”

75 years ago: “Wild Brahmas Supply Thrills for Fiesta: Purses are good and the fiesta has drawn top-notch riders, ropers and ‘doggers.’”

50 YEARS AGO: “Would you believe that farming in the U.S. employs more people than the transportation, public utilities, auto and steel industries combined?”

25 YEARS AGO: “Somebody took a few humorous jabs in a hefty U.S. Forest Service environmental impact statement, and the bureaucracy is not amused. The EIS glossary contains such entries as ‘Deranged Mutant Ninja Forester’ and ‘Forester – One who sits in a lookout tower and plays pinochle.’ The tampering was probably the work of a Forest Service employee who inserted the language just before the document went to the printer.”

Most items in this column are taken from Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and The Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.

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