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Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Mrs. Harry Shunk of Lightner Creek was in the city on a shopping trip and incidentally to size up the amount of housekeeping a couple of bachelors can sweep under the bed.”

75 years ago: ANIMAS VALLEY – “A large crowd attended the community Thanksgiving dinner at the Grange Hall. According to all reports, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day.”

50 years ago: “The newest things in paper towels is a border with a provincial design in combinations of blue and green or pink and orange. They are so fancy they an be used for place mats, television tray covers, hand towels in the bathroom and babies’ bibs. How about it?”

25 years ago: “Fort Lewis College President Joel Jones lifted the administration’s ban on selling tobacco on campus. Jones decided to reverse the sales ban implemented last summer, because a survey of 199 students, faculty and staff showing support of a ban was not representative of campus opinion. Jones partly based his decision on ballot results of two weeks ago, in which 547 students expressed opposition to the sales ban, and 444 supported it.”

Most items in this column are taken from Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.

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