Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

And the West is History

100 years ago: “The long-awaited rain arrived, and most everyone was well pleased. The forest service which has had to cope with several bad fires in the past few weeks was especially well pleased as the rain thoroughly soaked the forests and danger from fire is greatly lessened. The dust that has been so obnoxious for several weeks has now been turned into sticky mud. Local businessmen are well-pleased with the change as they say weather changes mean better business conditions.”

75 years ago: An advertisement read: “I feel like a duke! Royal eatin’ is right. The cakes are tender, brown and fluffy. ... Deliciously different in flavor, too. The pancake flour is ready-mixed. See your grocer! Gooch’s Best self-rising pancake flour.”

50 years ago: “The new visitor center complex at the Navajo State Recreation Area near Arboles was formally turned over to the Colorado Game, Fish and Park Service officials who designed and supervised construction of the building.”

25 years ago: “The first snowy winter storm walloped the Durango area overnight, spinning cars into ditches and spurring brisk sales of snow tires and shovels. At Purgatory Ski Resort, the mood was ecstatic. ... Purgatory reported 9 inches of snow overnight, bringing the total at midway to 20 inches.”

Most items in this column are taken from Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.

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