Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

And the West is History: Baker’s Bridge Commemoration – 1930

The bridge we know today as Baker’s was opened in 1930. It replaced the original bridge constructed by the Baker Party in 1861. It was located about 300 feet upstream from the newly constructed bridge. The local Daughters of the American Revolution took the opportunity to hold a celebration, pageant, and commemorative service to dedicate the new bridge and memorialize the old one. Hundreds attended the June 8 event that included grandchildren of the original Baker Party, the first European Americans to settle the upper Animas River Basin. Shown here is Mrs. Russell Berry wearing a dress from 1861. Also pictured is Miss Florence Wilson, who wrote and directed the pageant. To her left are members of the Turner family. John W. Turner is holding his grandson Richard Turner Jr. His son, Richard Sr. to the child’s right, unveiled the commemorative sign shown. It names members of the original group including his great-grandfather, John C. Turner. – Ed Horvat for Animas Museum, (Catalog Number: 02.70.5 from the La Plata County Historical Society Photo Collections)