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Anderson endorsement wrong

Well, it is now conclusive that The Durango Herald and The Journal editorial staff have lost their collective minds by endorsing Pamela Anderson over Jena Griswold for Colorado secretary of state. And what is their justification for this? Anderson told them what she wants to do, but those are just words. Griswold, on the other hand, has been extremely successful in giving more people a way to vote and working diligently to preserve the integrity of our elections.

Anderson is quoted as wanting “signature verification, voter registration audits” and more. This is typical Republican-speak aimed at “reducing voting fraud,” even though many studies have shown that there isn’t any significant voter fraud in the first place. And of course, what Republicans really want is to make it more difficult for poor people and minorities to vote in the first place.

But what the endorsement really tries to claim is that Anderson will be “non-partisan.” It’s mentioned that Griswold “challenged former President Donald Trump on Twitter.” It seems to me that if we want to have safe and secure elections, everyone should be challenging Trump, the pathological liar. And challenging Trump on his ludicrous claims of a “stolen election” is hardly partisan, as many Republicans have also done so.

It makes no sense to put any Republican in charge of Colorado’s elections when 70% of Republicans believe that Trump won in 2020. Let’s hope that the voters of Colorado have more sense than the Herald and the Journal editorial board.

Guinn Unger
