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Articles about Snowberger are unhelpful

I have worked in school districts across the country over my 40-year career. Dan Snowberger of 9-R stands out as an excellent superintendent.

He is present in classrooms, giving him an accurate feel for what is happening in his district. He wants to continually improve, as shown by the recent change in the teacher salary system rewarding teachers for innovation.

Dan seeks information about what is working in other districts in order to make improvements. When support staff turnover was high, he worked to improve members’ pay to maintain continuity for students.

Dan encourages staff members to file a grievance if they have been wronged so the situation can be addressed. He also encourages families and community members to be involved within the school district by volunteering, joining committees and giving their opinions and suggestions.

Recent newspaper articles criticizing Dan are examples of individuals attacking an individual rather than solving a problem. This is the opposite of how the staff works to develop community relationships under the leadership Dan has demonstrated within the district.

Debra Ruddell
