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Bayfield Lions Club Foundation to host dinner

Bayfield Lions Club Foundation will host its 10th annual Foundation Dinner and Auction at 5 p.m. Sept. 18 at Lions Hall, 451 Church Street.

Prime rib and complimentary beer and wine will be served. The silent auction begins at 5 p.m. and dinner begins at 6 p.m. A live auction will be held after dinner. Auction prizes include trips, dinners, artwork, local crafts and more.

Proceeds will go toward continued upkeep of the hall. Two scholarships to high school seniors will also be awarded.

Tickets are $25 per person. Holders of tickets from the canceled 2020 Banquet may contact Ken Gaherty at 884-2054. Tickets will be honored, but a head count is needed for food.

Tickets are available from Gaherty at 884-2054, Phyllis Rhodes at 946-0318 or any Lions Club member.