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Bayfield test results show growth in language arts

Mathematics scores a concern for the district
Overall, Bayfield students tested above-average on the SATs, about average on the PSATs and had areas of growth and decline on the CMAS.

Bayfield School District’s standardized test scores show student improvement in language arts but a dip in mathematics.

Overall, Bayfield students tested above-average on the SATs, about average on the PSATs and had areas of growth and decline on the CMAS.

“We showed slight growth in English language arts overall but were down in math overall,” said Superintendent Amy Lyons. “The decrease in our math scores is an area of concern for us throughout the district.”


A CMAS growth report released by the Colorado Department of Education on Thursday shows the district’s growth percentile, which breaks down student progress from year to year.

Bayfield students scored in the 54th percentile in language arts, a 2 point jump from the previous year.

A student in the 54th percentile means he or she grew as well or better than 54 percent of his or her peers.

CMAS mathematics scores show a dip in performance compared with the previous year. Bayfield students scored in the 44th percentile, a five point decline from 2016.

“We will be focusing on math and will begin a math diagnostic review in September to dig into our math curriculum throughout the system, as well as vertical alignment to see where we need to make changes that will result in an improvement in student achievement and growth,” Lyons said. “This will be a K-12 initiative and will involve staff at all levels.”

Tenth-grade students took PSATs, and 11th-graders took the SAT college entrance exam, which is now a state requirement.

Bayfield 10th-grade students tested slightly below statewide average on the PSATs. They scored an average of 474.9 in reading and writing, and 464 in mathematics. The statewide average for PSAT scores was 478 in reading and writing, and 469 in mathematics.

Bayfield 11th-graders did significantly better than their peers on the SAT, scoring an average of 531.3 in reading and writing, and 545.5 in mathematics.

The average statewide SAT score was 513 in reading and writing, and 501 in mathematics.


Bayfield CMAS scores 2017 (PDF)

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