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BEEP appreciates support for breakfast

Bayfield Early Education Programs recently completed its 10th annual Breakfast with Santa and silent auction fundraiser on Dec. 13. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Jennifer Gosney for being Head Elf and Ben Rae for serving as Master Chef.

Thanks to FCI Constructors, A to Z Electric, LPEA, Carolyn Shryock, Western View Windows, Marvin Voss, The Grocery Story and Kendall and Amy Lyons for sponsoring the breakfast. Also a thank you to Calvary Presbyterian members for serving, and the FCCLA club at BHS for assisting in the craft area and kitchen. Thank you to Ted Hockenbury for entertaining us with his guitar and Derek Smith with his high school choir performance. Thank you to our preschool parents who helped in the kitchen and to set up/tear down for this event.

A big shout out to those businesses and individuals who donated items for the silent auction: Allen Theatres, Amerigas, Amy Longfellow, Basin Co-op, Bayfield High School, Becky Newhall, Beth Sower, Big O Tires, Boarding Haus, Candace Easterday, Carol Blatnick, CJ's Diner, Coffee on the Side, Cogentrix Energy/Brad Gagne, Giant, Dairy Queen, Dance in the Rockies, Debbie Janus, Debbie Voss, Dietz Market, Doris Gordon, Doubletree, Durango Motor Co, Erinne Palmer, Fuzziwig's Candy Factory, General Palmer, Glenn Tinnin Photography, Glow's Salon, Hanson Honda, Holley Hughes, Honey House Distillery, Honeyville, Honnen Equipment, Jamie Halls, Jarrette Ireland, Jen Gosney, Kamoska Pilates, Katy Gagne, Ken and Sue's, Kristie Montgomery, Lake Chiropractic, Lake House Bar and Grill, Lewis True Value Mercantile, Linda Pampinella, Maria's Bookstore, Mike Madden, Mill Street Drug, Munchkin Kidz Mart, Nicole Killian, Pat Zink, Patti Harrmann, Pet Haus, Pine River Chiropractic, Pine River Lodge, Pine River Times, Pine River Trading, Pretty by JL, Ryan Sower, Salon del Sol, Sean O'Kane, Soapy Goat, Southwest Ag, Sparkle Glass, Spring Creek Candies, Steamworks, Strater Hotel, Subway-Bayfield, The Lake House, Theberge Winery, Tracy Brown, Tuning Fork, Upper East Side Deli, Upper Pine River Fire, Lucia Schirard, Brenna Kampf, Chelsea Robbins, Options Restaurant, Tractor Supply, and Bayfield Chiropractic.

The support received for this fundraiser from this community is appreciated. It is humbling to see such generosity given to BEEP, your local non-profit preschool.

Bayfield Early Education Programs