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BHS Knowledge Bowl thanks supporters

Bayfield High School Knowledge Bowl would like to sincerely thank the following businesses and individuals for their donations. The team members really appreciate the help these people gave us in order to attend the National Academic Championship in Washington D.C. Thank you again for helping make this incredible experience happen.

Our deepest appreciation goes to Andy and Nancy Young, Charles and Barbara Mertian, Patrick Lujan, Dolores Gallegos, Grace Sossaman, Mike and Sandy Hately, Mike Higgins, Melissa and Charles Mosley, Jeffery and Brooke Smith, Tom Au, Mike Yocum, Ray Lehr, Jay Wilmer, Elizabeth and Erik Von Tauffkirchen, Becky Vandenberg, Jennifer and Mary Young, Dr. Jennifer Rupp, Sandra Trujillo, Brendan Liesse, Mary Briskey, Sarah Pope, First National Bank of Durango, Baked, Bottom Shelf Brewery, Pine River Trading Company, Mill Street Drug, Riverside RV Park, Hong's Garden, Pine River Valley Bank, Pine River Times, Tuning Fork Café, Mini Merc/Bayfield A & W, Amerigas, Vallecito Service League, and Southwest Ag.

Thank you,

Bayfield High School Knowledge Bowl Team

Ms. Tara Henderson, Mitchell McCloskey, Cole Mystrom, Nate Tate, Henry Walter, and Ben Young