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BHS student appreciates sports funding

I am writing to inform people about sports funding at Bayfield High School.

I am very pleased with the way our school board and athletic director divide the money. Sports get money from some of the taxes our community gives and the rest of the money comes from fundraising each sport does. The Bayfield athletic director, Mr. Dean, makes the decisions on how much money goes to each sport and then he has to tell the school board why he made the decisions he made.

When dividing the money, Mr. Dean takes into consideration how big each sport is and what equipment is needed. Therefore, the bigger sports programs generally get more money for equipment and such. However, fundraising plays a big role in sports funding. The more fundraising a group does, the more money they have to buy apparel, food, etc.

If there is a person who is having problems about how much each sport group gets, then they can talk to Mr. Dean or go to a school board meeting. I personally believe that the school board and Mr. Dean do a wonderful job distributing the taxpayers' money to each sport.  

Suzie Rhodes     
