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Bring bratty crybabies to justice

The Herald’s May 12 editorial gave a great overview about the crybabies who want to take back what is not theirs in Utah and Nevada. The problem is far deeper than the editorial pointed out.

You all experienced it growing up: Invariably, the playground crybaby, stingy, brat who showed up and wanted to play, but you could not play with his toy, be it a ball, glove, bat, basketball or what have you. Most made it clear to the crybaby he really was not wanted as a team member anyway.

He/she never forgot that, and now, some of those same crybaby types have permeated our social systems in the worst way possible. They are some of our political leaders and media know-it-alls who daily lambaste our airwaves with their narrow views and attitudes about how this country has been taken over by those who still want to take everything away from them, whether it is theirs or not – support these crybaby jerks who use our airwaves and key political positions to incite violence such as what happened with the rancher in Nevada be brought to justice by our hardworking understaffed federal employees who have consistently been maligned and abused by these jerks.

Balty Quintana


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