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Brown, Petersen and Parmenter for safe schools

I am writing to stand by and support Erika Brown, Rick Petersen and Andrea Parameter for the Durango School District 9-R board election.

When you have a 1-year-old boy with cystic fibrosis and two older children in school, you have no way to protect him and at the same time you are wanting your other children to have a somewhat normal year of school because they spent the last year and a half at home.

These candidates offer leadership and direction so all of our kids can be safe and stay in school. They represent the true meaning of community working together, uniting to bring the best for all people.

Please use your eyes and mind in this coming up election. Educate yourself. Vote. Know that a vote for these candidates means that we stay in school with the proper precautions, and all kids have access to school whether they have cancer or a disease, as well as if they are healthy and strong. It is about being apart of a community where every individual is thought of in every decision.

Kathryn Catsman
