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Brush up your skill sets for business success

Competition is a fact of business life today. Of course, there has always been competition, but it is much more intense today. Competitors are on every corner, literal or virtual. Customers, whether consumers or business, are more knowledgeable about what they want and what they should pay for it. They require a high level of information and trust before they make significant purchases. The level of knowledge required to be successful in business is high and moving higher. How can we keep up?

Many resources are available to today’s business owner. They include, but are not limited to, chambers of commerce, professional and trade associations, peer groups, Small Business Development Centers, educational institutions and professional advisers. An additional high quality, no-cost resource is just becoming known to the independent business community. I’m referring to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), a modern form of distance learning.

A MOOC is an online course with unlimited participation and open access via the web. MOOCs are more than videos or podcasts. They incorporate traditional learning with interactive forums between students and teachers. All that is required to participate is a desire to learn and an online connection via the Web or Wi-Fi. Many colleges and universities worldwide offer their courses for free via delivery platforms such as Udacity, Corsera or EdX.

Because of my intense involvement with a new startup, I’ve recently taken courses from the University of Maryland and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania via Corsera. I’ve found them very helpful as tools to acquire knowledge in areas where I am lacking. Understand that this is not school in the traditional sense. You do not have to take exams, participate in discussions or even complete the course. You can do those things, if you wish, but that’s not my point. You take what you need and apply it immediately in your business.

Is marketing your weak point? Do you want to better understand your financial information? There are courses for you. You may want to brush up so you can better compete in today’s marketplace.

If you decide to Google MOOCs, you will find much discussion and controversy about the low completion rate, lack of participation on the part of most enrollees, the value of an online degree vs. traditional avenues, and whether conventional institutions are doomed. I suggest you ignore all that and focus on what you need to know to run your business more effectively and efficiently. You will find a course for that, and you and your business will be the better for it.

Speaking for myself, I found pertinent learning material of high quality that I could not find locally or conveniently. I have already used my new knowledge in my business. In addition, I discovered an additional and unexpected benefit from MOOC learning. I am being stimulated and challenged mentally and, as a result, my level of energy and motivation has increased.

Why don’t you check out MOOCs and see if you and your business don’t benefit.

Dan Bowser is president of Value Insights, Inc. of Durango, Chandler, Arizona and Summerville, Pennsylvania. Reach him at Bowser@BusinessValueInsights.com.

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