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Business experience needed for LPEA board

I am very happy that Karen Barger, Kohler McInnis, and Jim Wotkyns have decided to run for the La Plata Electric Association board of directors. Board responsibility and accountability cannot effectively be done by micromanagement; instead, because of these three candidates' years of board experience, they know that their role is to set policy for the CEO, and evaluate the CEO, who is truly the only employee of the board.

At the last LPEA board meeting, four of the current directors present felt candidates for the board should sign an affidavit that simply affirmed they were qualified to run for the board based on the bylaws of the company. This action was defeated by five of the other directors with two abstentions by the two incumbents of District 3 (Britt Bassett) and District 4 (Heather Erb), who are running for re-election.

That is the reason why I am voicing my support for McInnis (District 2), Wotkyns (District 3), and Barger, (District 4) who have volunteered to sign an affidavit that they are qualified to serve based on the bylaws and they have no ties with businesses or organizations that do business with LPEA. All three are successful business people with experience serving on boards supporting our communities.

Regaining the trust of the LPEA affiliates and cooperative members requires leadership and ethics that assists in problem solving. Kohler, Karen and Jim are the best candidates to move the board of directors from dis-function to high-function.

All cooperative owners will be represented, each and every one of us, and you can make a difference by electing real community leaders only if you will fill out your ballot and mail it in as soon as you get it.

Paul Romere
