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Canceling derby: ‘Alarm without cause!’

Recently, I attended the La Plata County commissioners meeting, where they voted to cancel the Demolition Derby because of safety concerns. Commissioner Marsher Porter-Norton said because there was no certified safety assessment, the derby would not be held at the fairgrounds. Alarm without cause!

In more than 20 years, no one has ever been hurt in the races or in the stands. I believe nothing has occurred because the Fair Board has strictly adhered to rules and regulations. What a farce she’s created, dating back to disallowing 16- and 17-year-olds to participate in the Derby because they may sue the county, even though drivers and parents sign a waiver. Are senior citizens to old to participate?

She has created this fake narrative that people attending the event are not safe because of insurance liabilities. Then she compared our arena to the Montezuma Fairgrounds racetrack, where there’s fencing in front of the stands (required last year) but failed to explain the vehicles in Montezuma travel up to 80 m.p.h. Derby vehicles’ top speed is 20 m.p.h.

Derby rules require all glass and plastic be removed and metal welded. What debris will fly into the stands? Porter-Norton constantly says the fairgrounds are equestrian facilities, although the county lists it as a multiuse facility. The derby generates approximately $30,000, which is huge in helping finance the fair.

What a farce Norton has committed against the community, canceling a beloved event on misinformation. Why?

Ralph Brawley
