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Celebrate the miraculous recovery of Israel

Israel! A modern-day miracle! Nineteen hundred years ago in AD 70, the Roman emperor Nero completely destroyed the city of Jerusalem. The Jewish people were dispersed into every nation. Against all odds, their culture and traditions have remained intact, while the land that was Israel became an arid wasteland.

Many ancient prophecies concerning the last days of human history assumed Israel would be a thriving, prosperous nation. It seemed impossible that Jews from all around the world would flood back into their homeland. But that’s exactly what happened. World War II and the terrible massacre of 6 million Jews created a favorable attitude and worldwide sympathy for the Jewish people. When British control of Palestine ended in May 1948, the door to Israel’s independence opened.

Now Israel celebrates its 70th year in that small sliver of land God gave them. Only a sovereign God could orchestrate the miraculous recovery of the land into a lush, prosperous and militarily-sound nation. Sadly, the Jewish people credit their own hard work and ingenuity for the peace and safety they now enjoy. But the ancient prophets predict a time of “Jacob’s trouble” that will last seven years, in which Israel will weep and mourn the rejection of their Messiah.

Jesus died to save us from the consequences of sin. Sin brings death, but eternal life comes through faith in the Jewish Messiah. If we confess that Jesus is Lord and turn from sin, we will be saved, Jew or Gentile.

Barbara Kugle
