Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

City announces Martin Luther King Jr. day schedule

Here is the city’s schedule for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday:

  • City administrative offices will be closed, including City Hall, Community Development and Engineering, the Police lobby and substation, Santa Rita administration building, Greenmount Cemetery and Parks & Recreation administrative offices.
  • Durango-La Plata County Airport will be open as normal with regularly scheduled commercial service. The airport administration office will be closed. Travelers are encouraged to arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes before scheduled departure.
  • Recreation Center, Chapman Hill and Durango Gymnastics: The Recreation Center and Chapman Hill will be open with regular hours and scheduled classes. Durango Gymnastics is not offering classes or drop-in programs on Monday.
  • Durango Public Library will be closed.
  • Commercial and residential trash and recycling pickup will be Tuesday through Saturday, one day later than your regular day with no service Monday. The Recycle Center will be closed.
  • Durango Transit will operate on Monday. The Transit Center and the cashier window will be closed.
  • Parking meters are free downtown Monday.