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City should explain ¾-cent taxes

In order to make the best decision on ballot question 1A – an extension of a ½-cent tax (from 2019 to 2039) to fund the Community Recreation Center and other recreation facilities, parks and trails – voters need to understand how the city of Durango’s second recreation tax fits into the big picture.

In 2005, voters approved the ¼-cent Open Space, Parks and Trails Fund, which expires in 2026. According to the city of Durango, this tax is used “for the acquisition, construction and maintenance of parks, open space and trails.”

Why aren’t we discussing how these two separate recreational taxes, totalling ¾-cent sales tax, will function together?

I think the city of Durango needs to do a better job explaining the similarities and differences between the two recreational taxes before we cast our vote on April 7.

Allen P. Small


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