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City should explain single-stream recycling

Would it be possible for the city to provide an update regarding the single-stream recycling program? Specifically, how many cans have been distributed among city residents?

How many residents are currently without cans?

What exactly happens to the single-stream recycled materials once they have been collected?

All residences are billed monthly for the service, but not all residences have the receptacles to allow use of the service. We were not able to obtain a recycling can at our home initially because there were not enough to go around. My most recent phone call to the recycling center gave me the information that there were no 60-gallon cans available and no plans to order any; the only option would be to use a 90-gallon can, which is too large to fit in our garage.

So, I guess our options at this point are to park our car on the street and risk a ticket in order to make room for the large can in our garage – or continue to pay for a service we can’t use.

Even if we haul our recyclables to the center ourselves, we are still forced to pay for the monthly service.

The city of Durango should make this service user-friendly so all residents are able to easily embrace the recycling effort.

Dot Larson


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