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City spending $2.2M on road improvements

The city of Durango is expected to spend more than $2.2 million on street improvements this year, officials said Tuesday.

City staff updated the City Council on various projects, including paving streets and reconstructing intersections. More than 200 ramps have been built or upgraded so they meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, costing $240,000. City workers also have paved nearly 11 miles using 12,500 tons of asphalt. The projects cost $1.8 million.

The Street Division also improved pavement conditions, which can allow streets to have longer life span. The city of Durango partnered with the Colorado Department of Transportation, which is reconstructing the DoubleTree intersection on U.S. Highways 550/160, and paid the agency $240,367 for some of the West College Drive work.

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