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Colorado Parks and Wildlife accepting applications for Colorado Sportsperson’s Roundtable

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is accepting applications for a two-year membership to the statewide Colorado Sportsperson’s Roundtable. The application period is open now through May 12.

CPW aims to maintain a geographically diverse membership on the roundtable, with a current preference for residents in the northeast, southeast and southwest regions of the state.

Responsibilities of members include participating in a half- to full-day meeting twice a year, participating in occasional conference calls, sharing information and ideas with roundtable members and senior CPW staff about pressing issues, sharing contact information on the CPW Roundtable webpage and being available to sportspersons around the state to share and discuss information pertinent to the roundtable.

The two-year term runs from August through July 2022.

Apply online at www.cpw.state.co.us/aboutus/Pages/Roundtable.aspx. A printed version is available upon request.

For more information, call Jody Kennedy at 281-7330 or email jody.kennedy@state.co.us.