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Contact lawmakers to support Hermosa bill

In this time of hyperpartisanship, it is refreshing to see a bipartisan piece of legislation that protects something valued by all Southwest Coloradoans – the Hermosa Creek Watershed Protection Act, sponsored by Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., and Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez.

This act would protect a prime wildlife watershed used by hunters, fishermen, hikers and other outdoorspeople while also preserving existing uses by mountain bikers and other recreationists (including snowmobiling on Molas Pass).

But this act is not yet passed, so please help support Bennet and Tipton in passing it by contacting them and letting them know of your support (Google “contact Tipton” or “contact Bennet”).

Matt Kenna, Colorado Backcountry Hunters & Anglers


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