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County causing business owners headaches

I just read the article "Bar and county clash" (Herald, Dec. 4). Once again the county officials are causing headaches for business owners.

The owner of the Nugget Mountain Bar had to go to great expense to stay in business when it appears that he never intended to violate any regulations. To make an analogy if any one of us got a traffic ticket each and every time we went 1 mile over the speed limit or crossed a line on the road or failed to come to a complete stop behind the crosswalk at a stop sign, we’d lose our license within a month with all the violations. Land-use codes are more easily verified than traffic infractions, but still the police realize they must give leeway as opposed to citing every violation. Ted Holteen, spokesman for La Plata County said, “We can’t have chaos. You can’t just do whatever you want on a piece of property.”

I say, every morning when a county inspector wakes up he needs to ask himself, “Am I going to cause more chaos than I prevent?” If the answer is yes, then go back to bed!

In this case, the county has surely caused more chaos than it prevented.

Dave Norman
