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County is abdicating power to city

Goodbye La Plata County, hello county of Durango. I thought it took a legislative act and governor’s signature to create a county, but I guess I’m prehistoric believing that property is liberty and liberty is an inalienable right. Elected county officials have abdicated their power to Durango Alinskyites and said in the Feb. 17 Herald that Durango could handle the airport voting, while the three horsemen would ram a second vote for roads and bridges down the residents’ throats after previously being voted down.

My suggestion to the commissioners is to donate two-thirds of their pay (which just increased 30 percent) to roads and bridges. They could then live on the last third like the rest of the county. The $100,000 spent on finding out if a bird sucked into a jet engine causes it to crash and $500,000 for a tent could have been used for bridges and roads. Stop donating to panhandlers, make them work for their handouts. Lock them up. Most of all, get off your butts, put down your ganja and stop chugging your Hickenlooper brew. Use your brains. You were educated on our monies to better see that less tax means better living, because you see how to use money, not dump every penny out of our pockets to hope everyone gets happy.

Durango brought the problem here. La Plata County let the city do it, hoping to glean great rewards from empty promises.

Paul McCaw


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