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Dance’s violations were honest mistakes

I am writing in response to the stories headlined “Cyprus Cafe owner investigated for labor violations” (Herald, June 16) and “Cyprus Café owner broke labor laws” (Herald, Jan. 15.)

Alison Dance has been my employer at Eno/Cyprus Cafe for a little over 2 years. I am still employed by her, and was employed by her during the time period for which Cyprus Cafe was investigated by the Department of Labor. I have always found Alison Dance to be an honest employer who is willing to hear concerns or complaints, willing to apologize for and correct missteps and who would never intentionally cheat her staff or break the law. I believe Alison Dance’s labor-law violations were honest mistakes made in attempts to create a culture of generosity.

Alison Dance has been an independent business owner in Durango for 20 years and was one of the first to champion local, sustainable food and buy from small-scale local producers. She has been unfailingly generous, innovative and community-minded. She’s provided flexible jobs to Durangoans who need that flexibility to play on the mountains, travel and go to school as well as provided an income to local growers, donated her time and resources to community organizations and strengthened our local economy by providing locally produced, sustainable food.

We ought to treat Alison Dance as we would each wish to be treated: as a fellow community member, striving to create a vibrant town, with kindness and an openness to hear all sides of the story during times of confusion.

Minna Jain


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