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Daughter’s loss drew incredible support

Dec. 16 marks the anniversary of my daughter’s death. Reflecting on this incredibly difficult event, a huge theme comes out. And that theme is one of love and support from this close-knit community. The outpouring of love, compassion, offers and gestures of support humbled this family. We saw friends become family by outstanding support. We knew we were part of a community, but you gave us more than expected.

Melissa took her own life at the young age of 33. So many of you share and shared the same pain in your lives. Our condolences go out to you. Our experience causes us to send out love to all of you who have lost loved ones, regardless of the cause.

This awesome, gentle and sweet young lady blessed our lives for 33 years with laughter and love. We miss her every day. This letter is one of deepest and heartfelt thanks.

John Dunn and family


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