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Democrats want to take your freedoms

Democratic candidates and two of their fawning opinion television stations recently burned the midnight oil to condemn oil.

Their “catastrophic climate change” statements were deceiving, lying and fear-mongering.

They stated that hurricanes, because of Dorian (stalled by a high pressure system), are increasing both in numbers and intensity, whereas according to NOAA, they are not increasing; landfall hurricanes are in significant decline and their intensity is not increasing.

Democrats are going to save the world one straw and cheeseburger at a time, but they can’t even save their disgusting, filthy, environmentally disastrous cities where medieval diseases have been reintroduced.

For electricity, fossil fuels are out and so is nuclear, only “renewables.”

Fact: After trillions have been spent on subsidies and R&D, as of 2018, solar produces 1.66% and wind 6.6% of our electricity for a total of 8.26%, and is at best spotty.

So get ready for dark, cold nights.

If Democrats were really serious, they would be calling for severe sanctions on China, by far the world’s largest polluter, which is continually building dirty coal plants; but their only interest is power (theirs), and control, thus taking away more individual freedoms.

Punish the U.S. citizenry and its economy – although we are the one developed country that is greatly reducing emissions.

So, indoctrinated M,X and Z generations, take heart, they lie; also no computer models have ever been accurate. The world is not going to end as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would have you believe.

The only existential threat is Democrats taking more of your freedoms.

Robert Goodrich
