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Dems: We know you are hurting, but ...

Shame on our new governor for trying to appease the progressives and passing the insidious National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and attempting to steal our votes.

Yes, we understand that Democrats were upset when Al Gore and then Hillary Clinton lost their elections. But that is no reason to violate the Constitution that has served our country well. Coloradans should have a voice, and the Electoral College is what gives us that.

Whichever candidate wins the popular vote in Colorado should receive our electoral votes. That is a true reflection of which presidential candidate Colorado voters truly endorse.

With this new law, we might as well live in California or New York. But there is a reason I don’t live there! And I want my vote to reflect that I am a Colorado voter.

Democrats, we know you are hurt, but deep down, you must know that this new law is wrong.

Osha Piuma
