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‘Doing my homework’: Vote Yazzie

I have been doing my homework on who would make a great, new City Council member; one with experience and a new perspective. I went to forums, read candidate statements, read The Durango Herald’s coverage. Then I met her: Gilda Yazzie.

Gilda would be a new voice, with a balanced view from plenty of wisdom and experience. She is the most qualified candidate. Please check out her accomplishments, which include being a business owner, city board member, working with U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development and Habitat for Humanity, and in our U.S. Capitol. She has seasoned experience at the local, state, federal and tribal levels.

Gilda is extremely thoughtful. And listens. Our Council needs this, not the bickering that blemished the current Council. Gilda took time to meet and discuss the range of issues facing the city, on which she has a good grasp of both sides. She will be an outstanding councilor representing citizens and business.

Please give her your confidence and vote!

Dave Mehan
