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Don’t want LPEA to ‘get mucked up’

Vote! The La Plata Electric Association election is now and I encourage everyone to carefully read the candidate statements and vote. David Luschen has decades of electrical industry experience. That Luschen was one of 3,100 employees at CPS Energy during the winter outage of 2021 seems a plus and not mud to sling. It’s firsthand, boots-on-the-ground experience and knowledge that we can benefit from. John Purser has no experience except deciding “a few years back” to attend or review board meetings.

In The Durango Herald on April 30, Joe Lewandowski makes very valid points in his guest column in his rebuttal to Purser’s candidate statement. Purser claimed Lewandowski attacked him without foundation but Purser does accuse the current LPEA board of many unsavory things, including being “rife with special interests and conflict of interest” and having meetings “literally run from the offices of King Energy.” It seems only logical that an LPEA board member would respond factually to such a slew of accusations as candidate Purser writes.

As a La Plata County resident for 44 years, I have had many dealings with LPEA, from new construction and personal outages to billing and rebates. Every encounter was exemplary and I don’t want to see it get mucked up.

No, John, I am not attacking you. I’m a member of LPEA, voicing my personal opinion, just as Lewandowski was. For me, the choice of candidate for LPEA District 4 is clear. I’m voting for David Luschen.

Nancy Lloyd
