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Dubit has earned his energy chops

LPEA, like the rest of the electric-power industry, is facing turbulent waters. Some wish to go with the flow, or hunker down in an eddy, but a wiser choice might be to have a strategic vision and skill to navigate the transition to new energy sources and a robust business model.

Foresight and experience are needed to keep LPEA off the rocks. Gregg Dubit has earned his management and energy chops through his small businesses, various board directorships and piloting of 4CORE.

I am a Hesperus resident and the proud owner of a Chevy Volt. Gregg understands that electricity as a transportation fuel will be part of LPEA’s future business. I prefer to fuel my Volt on clean, locally generated electricity. I know that Gregg will work to expand our local clean energy. That’s why I will be voting for Gregg Dubit for LPEA District 2. I encourage my friends and neighbors to vote for Gregg, as well.

Gordon Rodda


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