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Dubit is best choice for LPEA District 2

For the first time in many years, residents in LPEA District 2 are being offered a choice of candidates who will ultimately represent them on the LPEA board; and that choice is Gregg Dubit. Gregg's credentials as a successful local businessman, as a nationally certified energy auditor who has helped hundreds of local families and businesses reduce their energy use, and as someone who has taken the time to understand how LPEA works for its members, all speak to the need for him to be on the LPEA board.

Gregg understands the imperative of sound financial oversight, managing costs, capitalizing on opportunities, and increasing services. He understands that this can all be done in a clean energy context; working to build our locally distributed electrical generation with hydro from irrigation ditches and solar will reduce our bills and help co-op members move toward greater energy independence.

There are those who would portray looking to a clean energy future as a negative. Nothing could be further from the truth. On the contrary, a clean energy future is something that is more than just beneficial for the environment. It makes good financial sense for both the LPEA cooperative and for individual members; and it makes good sense for our security as a community. It is not something that can be achieved overnight, but it is something that needs to have continued support from the LPEA board.

Please elect Gregg Dubit to the LPEA board, to insure a solid LPEA future.

Josh Joswick
