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Dumpster art a benefit of Friends’ grants

It was a pleasure reading the story featuring artist Debra Greenblatt and her Dumpster Beautification Project (“Trash and treasure,” Herald, Aug. 21.) Debra developed this delightful concept providing interesting and sometimes whimsical designs for the heretofore banal dumpster while providing valuable lessons to some young people who needed positive expressive outlets.

That Durango nurtures unique creative ventures is another testament to the vibrancy of our community.

For several years, the Dumpster Beautification Project has been the recipient of Durango Friends of the Arts grants and members have enjoyed watching the project flourish. Members of the Durango Friends of the Arts work year round to raise funds to distribute in the form of grants for local arts programs and projects that enrich the lives of our citizens.

Myriam Palmer, secretary

Durango Friends of the Arts


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