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Durango BMX riders show off at state race

Three first-place finishes for Durangoans

An epic season of BMX bike racing came to a conclusion Sunday in Grand Junction.

The 2016 State Championship Final of the season was hosted by Grand Valley BMX, and several Durango-area riders came away with strong results.

Durango BMX coach and expert rider in the age 41-45 category Jordan Rupe rode to a first-place finish and finished the state series ranked first overall. Fellow coach and expert in the age 16 category Adam Short finished second in Grand Junction to finish the state series first overall in his category.

Leit Schafer of Hesperus claimed first in the 12 Intermediate category at the state race. Oren Moore also took first at state and finished third in the season standings in the 10 Novice division.

Second-place results came in for Brennan Buiso in the 19-27 Expert category and Jacob Reese in 36-40 Novice.

Lassen Griggs claimed third in 12 Intermediate to finish eighth in the season series. A fourth-place finish for Wesley Speicher in the 7 Intermediate division helped him lock up fifth place in the series.

Rebeccah Sheppard represented well with a sixth-place finish at state for 17-20 Women.

Cody Buswell and Ethan Deem both finished seventh Sunday, with Buswell competing in 6 Novice and Deem in 8 Intermediate. Deem finished the season series in ninth.

Cole Chism’s eighth-place finish out of 18 riders was another highlight in the 9 Intermediate division.


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